Quotes from Nathan:

(To Lane) "If you want to go to the store after dinner, don't worry about money, 'cause I have a penny!"

(One day when I asked Nathan what he would most like to learn about) "Peace."
(On how violin rosin feels...) "It feels like dried jelly."

(One night when he asked me to hold his hand while he fell asleep, and I said it was too late) "It's never too late for holding hands."
(Conversation with Lane)
N: "How many deers have you shot?"
L: "2."
N: "2?"
L: "Yeah, pathetic, I know. Your Uncle Lance shot five THIS year!"
N: "You better shoot five, Dad. I'll help you when I get older."
(When Lane was telling about Israel) "When you went to Israel, Daddy, was Pharaoh dead?"

Nathan's testimony: "I like to bear my testimony; ...I know the scriptures are true. I know it's the truest book to read. ...I hope no one will leave me alone when no one else is home..."